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Lets explore…

Burning Man: The Multiverse

Time to play.

Burning Man is happening but this year it is a multiverse of different online experiences.


One of the unique universes is called The Infinite Playa.

BWB Camp.jpg

Burners Without Borders

Burners Without Borders (BWB) is a grassroots, volunteer-driven, community leadership organization whose goal is to unlock the creativity of local communities to solve problems that bring about meaningful change.

BWB is also a long standing camp at Burning Man filled with many BWB members: playful, committed movers and shakers.

The BWB camp at Burning Man is has a stage which is always a central place at the burn to come check out inspirational talks, workshops and performances.

Burners Without Borders is a Design Science Studio Community Partner.

Design Science Studio is hosting a day at the BWB camp stage during Burning Man on the Infinite Playa.

Our current scheduled date for the Design Science Studio is:

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Theme for the day: Design Science Decade

Thank you to all who submitted applications to participate!

We are full on Thursday now, but if you’d like to do your offering on Wednesday at Burners Without Borders camp please contact:

Eamon +1 - 323-240-1392

If you submitted an application to participate and haven’t heard back from us, please check your email and know that we’re doing our best to schedule all who submitted.

Thank you!


Lets do this. :)