Team 1

Friday, February 16th -
Sunday, February 18th

Teams across Time(zones)


Team 1 unites creators across the world, gathering in the CST time zone

Della and Arturo will join as collaborating team members from Jalisco, Mexico -and Salem weaves in from Chicago, IL —uniting in the central time zone.

Team 1:

Salem Jorden

Della Burford

Arturo Pelayo

Sunday, February 18th - COMMUNICATE

Finally, the time has come to COMMUNICATE your idea to the jury. Workshop the ultimate pitch with your team and mentors to amaze the judges, and who knows your team might receive the $2,000 prize for turning your idea into action. All teams are invited to share their presentations at the DSS Salon March 30th and 31st.

Phase 4: Communicate

Schedule Pt.1


8:00-8:05am: Arrive! Join the zoom. Head into your team’s breakout room

8:05-8:30am: Watch Phase 4 Orientation Video (below)

  • Watch together / on your own. If someone’s wifi is strong they can screenshare with audio. If you don’t know how to do that, then watch the video on your own / together.

  • Take notes on key points in your Miro

8:30-9:00am: Complete Deliverable 4.1 Inquiry

  • Do the teams exercise in your teams Miro board

  • Why you? Why now? Why this?


9:00-9:30am: Watch Pitch Talk from Christopher Pitcher

  • Take notes on key points in your Miro

More Soon

Saturday, February 17th - PROTOTYPE

Now is the time to PROTOTYPE. Take the golden idea from ideate and run it through the gauntlet of if it is feasible, desirable, and viable. Talk to mentors, advisors, potential audience members to see if your idea holds water and operates in the way you imagined.

Phase 3: Prototype

8:00-8:05am: Arrive! Join the zoom. Head into your team’s breakout room

8:05-8:10am: Watch Orientation Video (below)

  • Watch together / on your own. If someone’s wifi is strong they can screenshare with audio. If you don’t know how to do that, then watch the video on your own / together.

8:10-9:40am: Converge and Prototype Prep!

9:40-11:10am: Watch Prototyping Talk from Tom Chi


11:10am - 8pm

11:10 - 11:40am: Phase 3, Round 1

  • Complete the prototype exercise from Tom Chi in your Miro board.

11:40am - 1:40pm: Understand to test + Challenge Assumptions

  • Complete Miro exercises and if you have time, also the bonus assumptions sprint

1:40 - 7:30pm: Prototype Round 2

  • Complete all Miro Exercises for Prototype Testing

  • Prepare deliverables.

  • Check all headers that say “Deliverable” and ensure to submit those at the end of this phase

7:30 - 8:00pm: Prototyping Deadline




Start at RESEARCH / OPPORTUNITY by learning from more about the challenge pathways from the resources provided by the Campaign for Nature about the current issues surrounding biodiversity loss on the political financial level.

Select a pathway related to the challenge, and reformat and submit to complete RESEARCH.

Move to IDEATE, after some juicy exercises to get your creative side flowing, start generating as many ideas as possible, the more outlandish the better! Here move through the process of divergence, the multiplicity of ideas, and then convergence, spotting and transforming an idea into a tangible idea that could be a creative intervention.

Phase 0: Onboarding

8:00-8:05am: Arrive! Join the zoom. Head into your team’s breakout room

8:05-8:25am: Watch Orientation Video (below)

  • Watch together / on your own. If someone’s wifi is strong they can screenshare with audio. If you don’t know how to do that, then watch the video on your own / together.

8:25-9:05am: Teams meet eachother!

  • Do the teams exercise in your teams Miro board

  • Read eachothers profiles below for reference

9:05-9:50am: Q&A Room Available

  • Review the materials provided with your team in your breakout room, if you have any questions - pop over to the Q&A breakout room so you feel prepared.

Orientation Video

Meet and Greet: Team Exercises

Explore the HQ Overview for pARTicipants

Learn more about your team

Phase 1: Research + Opportunity

9:50-10:20am: Watch Research Phase Lightning Talk

  • Watch Brians Welcome Video / Lightning talk for Research / Opportunity Phase

10:20am-2:20pm: Research Phase!

  • Study the pathways, review the dossier, work on the deliverable forms in Miro.

  • Connect with your advisor, watch whatsapp to know when she’ll be arriving.

2:20-2:50pm: Research Deliverable.

  • Wrap it up, get it dialed, send in your completed materials via the submission link to the google drive and as a last step, to the form no later than 2:50PM.

Research + Opportunity Phase Welcome Video from Brian O’Donnell and the Campaign for nature

Phase 2: Ideate

2:50-3:20: Ideation Phase Lightning Talks

  • Watch these Ideation Phase Videos!

3:20-7:20pm: Ideation Phase!

7:20-7:50pm: Ideation Deliverable

  • Wrap it up, get it dialed, submit your completed materials to the google drive and as a last step, to the form.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: You have a DIFFERENT form for Phase 2. Please submit to THIS LINK.

More soon